380 research outputs found

    Theory of RF-spectroscopy of strongly interacting Fermions

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    We show that strong pairing correlations in Fermi gases lead to the appearance of a gap-like structure in the RF-spectrum, both in the balanced superfluid and in the normal phase above the Clogston-Chandrasekhar limit. The average RF-shift of a unitary gas is proportional to the ratio of the Fermi velocity and the scattering length with the final state. In the strongly imbalanced case, the RF-spectrum measures the binding energy of a minority atom to the Fermi sea of majority atoms. Our results provide a qualitative understanding of recent experiments by Schunck et.al.Comment: revised version, 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTex

    Extended Bose-Hubbard model with incompressible states at fractional numbers

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    The Bose-Hubbard model is extended to include nearest and far neighbor interactions and is related to the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE). Both models may be studied in optical lattices with quantum gases. The ground state is calculated for the extended Bose-Hubbard model with strong repulsive interactions (weak hopping). Incompressible Mott insulator states are found at rational filling fractions compatible with the principal and secondary FQHE filling fractions of the lowest Landau levels observed experimentally. It is discussed to which extent these states at fractional filling survive or undergoes a Mott insulator transition to a superfluid as hopping terms are included.Comment: Revised version, to appear in PR

    Spatial correlations of trapped 1d bosons in an optical lattice

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    We investigate a quasi-one dimensional system of trapped cold bosonic atoms in an optical lattice by using the density matrix renormalization group to study the Bose-Hubbard model at T=0 for experimentally realistic numbers of lattice sites. It is shown that a properly rescaled one-particle density matrix characterizes superfluid versus insulating states just as in the homogeneous system. For typical parabolic traps we also confirm the widely used local density approach for describing correlations in the limit of weak interaction. Finally, we note that the superfluid to Mott-insulating transition is seen most directly in the half width of the interference peak

    Long-range big quantum-data transmission

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    We introduce an alternative type of quantum repeater for long-range quantum communication with improved scaling with the distance. We show that by employing hashing, a deterministic entanglement distillation protocol with one-way communication, one obtains a scalable scheme that allows one to reach arbitrary distances, with constant overhead in resources per repeater station, and ultrahigh rates. In practical terms, we show that also with moderate resources of a few hundred qubits at each repeater station, one can reach intercontinental distances. At the same time, a measurement-based implementation allows one to tolerate high loss, but also operational and memory errors of the order of several percent per qubit. This opens the way for long-distance communication of big quantum data.Comment: revised manuscript including new result